From 2019 to 2022, we participated in this EU-funded project as one of four partners doing collaborative research and disseminating our findings.

The MiGREAT project brought together four educational organisations from across Europe who are deeply concerned about the rise in anti-immigration sentiment and action across the continent and determined to do something about it.

MiGREAT! has international learning and capacity building at its core. We planned to help educators across our four countries to develop and spread positive narratives around migration, which acted as a counterpoint to negative discourses. We shared our expertise, learned new methods and brought these methods to our wider networks in order to have a bigger impact in the crucial work of creating positive narratives. 

Across our four educational organisations, we have expertise around Frerian popular education, Community Organising, Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed, Theatre in Education, Applied Drama and Critical Incident. Between us, we exchanged and developed counter narrative tools and methods inspired by this broad base of praxis and expertise.

To do this, we ran six trainings, in four different countries that reached around 80 practitioners. Training participants included adult educators, theatre practitioners, activists, campaigners, community organisers, psychologists, social workers and cultural workers. 

Many of these practitioners were migrants themselves. We reached 100s in our wider networks through our dissemination (workshops, seminars and conference) and the tools (Handbook, Visual tools and Theatre scripts) we developed during the course of the project.

For more information, please contact the Project Coordinator, Kasia, at kasia@efalondon.org.