Save Adult Education #LoveFE

From Greenwich to Greenford, from Balham to Bow, from Wandsworth to Walworth, EFA is talking about adult education. :

This what we are saying:

“Adult education is good for society because it enables people to have a chance.”

“Adult education helps people get jobs”

Adult education helps people to integrate, make friends and get involved in the community.”

“Adult education helps people feel good.”

All these points and more were made by teachers, students and trade unionist who piled into Westminster’s central Lobby on Wednesday. Seven EFA students from Greenwich were among the 500. Many more from the class joined us in (1)

We journeyed across London, we queued for hours and some of us (some had to race back to pick up kids) green-carded our MPs. We wrote our details on the card and demanded to see Nick Raynsford (Greenwich) and Rushanara Ali (Tower Hamlets). They didn’t come down but they will receive the card telling them we visited and why. We listened to Sally Hunt, the General Secretary of the UCU, tell us that further education is vital to a fair society and we must fight to defend it.

To take action with us you can:

* publicise the London Region demonstration on Wednesday 25th March at 6pm, flyer A5%20flyer%2025th%20defend_%20lifelong_learning

* actively support ‘love FE day’ next Thursday 26 March which aims to celebrate lifelong learning and calls for a STOP to the potentially devastating proposed cuts to further education (FE). UCU and campaign partners ask you to mark the day by highlighting the importance of FE and what all of our communities stand to lose if these cuts go ahead.

• Encourage everyone to sign and circulate the petition to stop the cuts (nearly 20,000 people have signed already)

• Tell us why you Love FE – photos and messages will be displayed on the joint campaign website here.

• Make contact with your local general election candidates about the funding cuts using our online tool

• Already 40 MPs have signed an Early Day Motion (EDM) calling to stop the cuts. Has YOUR MP signed yet?

• Download and circulate 10 Point Charter for FE to all members for the future of further and adult education and our briefing on the cuts.

• Please tweet using #loveFE tag and let us know about any other activities you have planned.