Walk & Talk: New ESOL Walking Group for English learners in Wandsworth — Come join us!

On September 30th, EFA is launching our brand new “Walk and Talk” project in Wandsworth, thanks to funding from the Wandsworth Council.

During the pandemic many of our participants told us about the positive impact walking with family and friends had on their mental and physical health and, conversely, how bad it felt being stuck at home. We’ve known for a long time that London’s beautiful parks are not used equally by all Londoners, with many people, especially women from migrant and minoritised communities, feeling uncomfortable or even intimidated in our public spaces. 

So, we proposed “walk and talk”, a project that will enable EFA participants to meet up once a week, walk together with confidence, improving health and English language skills at the same time. If you are an English learner in Wandsworth who is interested in practicing your language skills and exploring the community this year with a group of friendly fellow participants, we welcome you to join us.

We will meet at Battersea Park Station every Thursday morning — rain, wind, or shine — at 10 am and we’ll be finished by 11:30 am. If you want to join us, call or message EFA teacher Dermot on 07789006248 to sign up!